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      Painting for a Lofty Maiden
      No Expiration
      Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
      We have a request for information about pictures from a noble lady of Quanzhou. She wants to show her daughter, who like art, pictures of flowers or fun. She wants you to find a picture that her refined daughter will enjoy. If you don't trust your own knowledge, go find the recommendation of the scholar at Hangzhou.
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                1) Hangzhou -> scholar x2
                2) Chongqing - tavern

                Painting of Woment Enjoying Music
                I see. How about a painting of court women enjoying music? It's unclear who drew it or when, butmany suppose it is from the Tang Dynasty. Tang Dynasty art tends to to realistic has beautiful vibrant colours.

                Features of the Tang Dynasty
                This paintng too has vibrant colours and is drawn beautifully down to all the details. The special characteristics of Tang Dynasty art are fully realized. I'm sure the Tavern Keeper in Chongqing is also an art affecianado, and I believe that painting has found its way to the walls of this tavern. Take a look at it and you'll immediately see how they practiced music in those days.

                Painting Worthy of the Nobles
                The painting of women practicing music is believed to have been drawn during the Tang Dynasty and features fine detail and vibrant colours. A painting showing the inner dealings of courtly life may appeal to the noble maiden.

                  • Discovery
                  • A Palace Concert ★★★ (Work of art) Exp:530 Fame:240
                    Picture depicting a scene of women in the court practicing their instruments.
                    The particular details about the person who wrote it is unclear, but they are believed to be Chinese.

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