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      Relic of Three Kingdoms Period
      No Expiration
      Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
      We've got a request from the guild in Hangzhou. Apparently they found a relic of the Three Kingdoms period in Chongqing, but a piece of it is missing. They want you to find it. This is a good opportunity if you're interested in relics. Ask a young girl in Chongqing for the details.
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                  [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. Chongqing - speak with Girl 2x (near north mansion) 2. Southeast Chongqing - search zone is next to the Large Boulder JR [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] What's a Tally? A tiger-shapped tally has been found nearby! Do you know about tallies? To move troops, the apprval of the emperor is required. The tally works as proof of that apprval. That tiger stone can be broken in wo. Normally half is held by the emperor and the other half by the general who commands the troops! Yep! [IMG:01] Searchig for Other Half When those 2 are put together, the troops could move it! Yes! It was used during the period of the Three Kingdoms, as well. But we only found half. So I want you to take that and find the other half. This was found outside of town near the big rocks. [IMG:06] The young girl speculates that the tiger-shaped icon found in Chongqing was used for military movements. Most surely, this tiger icon split vertically down the middle had some other purpose beyond the ornamental. Search near the large boulder on the outskirts of Chongqing for the other half.

                    • Discovery
                    • Tiger Tally ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:330 Fame:165
                      Tiger-shaped tally mainly used between the Warring States period and the Han period. Used in military drafts.
                      When tallies did not correspond, the troops could not be moved.

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