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Master of Shan Sui Paintings
No Expiration
Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
Who do you think is the greatest artist of the landscape paintings that spread from South China?
Anyone who draws landscape paintings would naturally wonder about that. The request this time is from such a curious young artist. Search around Hangzhou and find a painter who could be called a master.



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Hangzhou -> talk to scholar
Yuntaisha -> talk to city official

Genius Draws the Air
A master landscape painter? I've heard painter near Yuntaishan. He was known for his contrast of light and dark brush strokes, and his ability to create a moody expressive atmosphere in his works. The city official over there might know some more about him.

Remaining Murals
A genious court painter from this region? Yes, I guess that wouldn't be an overstatement. In his later years, he created many murals in temples and palaces. One of those murals remains to the west of here. It would be better to see it with your own eyes than to have me tell you about it.

See the Brilliant Murals
You heard about a master landscape painter in Yuntaishan. Once known as a talented court painter, he created atmospheric works that inspired awe in all those who viewed his works.
There remains one of his murals on the western outskirts of Yuntaishan. Quickly view his work and add your impressions to your guild report.
- Discovery
Guo Xi Landscape Painting ★★ (Work of art) Exp:360 Fame:180
Painting by the court artist of the Northern Song Dynasty, Guo Xi.
Expresses the scene of winter snow starting to melt, and the green of plants and trees starting to appear.
3. Yuntaisha West: Near Table Boulder