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The Two Guardian Beasts
No Expiration
Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
This is a request from a fellow European in Nagasaki. They want you to look into the charm Takatsugu in the pub possesses. But it's not polite to ask take it from Takatsugu themself, so maybe you should just ask how they obtained it?



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- Language/Edit History

1. Nagasaki -> Dubious Merchant x1
2. Nagasaki -> Barkeeper x1
3. Nagasaki -> Outskirts Nagasaki Observe Search near the shack in the northwest.
Investigating the Shrine Ruins 



Great Force
I was so shocked--no temple, just some scary statue! Two of them in fact!
One of them had it's mouth open like it was about to attack, I can even see it now... What a terrifying experience. But still what was that creature? I'd never seen an animal like that. It was kind of like a dog, but...

Protecting the Temple
A beast statue? Those are usually place oppposite of each other in front of temples. The temple got old and collapsed, but those statues remained. Event with the temple gone that's still a sacred site, so those statues are still there to watch over it.

Beasts that Keep Watch Even Now
It seems the temple was built long ago and eventually collapsed. The statues the requester saw were normally placed in front of temples, and are nothing ominous. Go have a look at the statue on the outskirts of town.
- Discovery
Chinese Guardian Lions ★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:240 Fame:120
A pair of statues often seen around Japanese temples. An unimaginable beast, shaped vaguely like a dog. One of the two has its mouth open while the other has its mouth closed. Endeared by the people as guardian gods.
Btw, the infos are all wrong. You need to talk 3x with the Takatsugu guy and then use search near him