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      Relic of the Country of Steel
      No Expiration
      Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
      I once had you research Gaya and its country of steel, right? I want you to do some further investigation and see if there are any other relics of Gaya remaining. This request is from the scholar of Hanyang. He's waiting for you at his archives.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

              1. Hanyang Hanyang Archives - Talk to Scholar
              2. Pohang - Talk to Soldier on Watch (2x)

              3. West Pohang - Use Observe and Search south from the entrance near the Pointed Boulder.


              Gaya Records 1 3 1 Ancient Iron

              Additional Gaya Research Request
              Large clumps of iron have been discovered, but processed iron has yet to have been discovered. According to the investigation report, arms were made by iron... If we could find some of those, we could learn a lot about the time period. Could you go to Pohang again and gather information there?

              Warriors of the mural
              On the wall of a certain burial mound, there is a painting of soldiers adorned in armour. Even the horses are dressed in armour. This might be a depiction of the Gaya soldiers. The armour design is of a very unique design.

              Iron spiral
              The armour drawn on the wall is decorated with spiral plating on the breast and back... That spiral pattern would require the advanced technology of a kingdom like Gaya. Maybe you should investigate the location where you found the clump of iron again?

              Remains of Gaya
              There may be armour that was made during the Gayan Era. Carefully again search around the slanted boulder in Pohang where the clump of iron was found.

                • Discovery
                • Gaya Tanko Armour 2 ★★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:530 Fame:238
                  Iron Tanko Armour made in the Gaya period.
                  Tanko armour is armour made to primarily protect the trunk of the body. Triangular iron plates are set in place with nails and then wrapped around the chest.

                  2nd pre-quest - Country's history of iron (Duck-shaped Pottery discovery)

                  I know that is a 10 years old comment, but just in case somebody gets confused, i did the quest without having "Duck-shaped Pottery". So no, not a second pre quest.

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