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      Book of history and mythology
      No Expiration
      Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
      You're the one who found the Samguk Sagi, right? Well a historical scholar is looking for some new materials. You know how the Samguk Sagi has a bias towards the period it describes, yes? Well they want you to see if there aren't any documents with descriptions of other periods. Go and have a talk with the scholar in Hanyang.
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                    1. Hanyang Hanyang Archives - Talk to Scholar
                    2. Pohang - Talk to Soldier on Watch next to Port Official
                    3. Pohang Pohang Mansion - Use Observe and Search. The mansion next to the item shop

                    History of the Three Kingdoms of Korea 3 5 1 Samguk Sagi
                    Currently here.
                    Historical River 4 6 1 Baengma River
                    Vestiges of Paekche 8 10 5 King Muryeong's Tomb Stone Beasts
                    Helping in the Ruins 5 1

                    Compiled by a monk
                    I heard from a soldier in Pohang that there is literature based on the history of the three kingdoms. Samguk Sagi was ordered to be edited by king's decree, but I heard this was made by a monk... Due to the monk's influence, the record is sprinkled with religious narrative.

                    Not just any historical text
                    Yes, I was the one who told the Hanyang scholar about that. A copy has been handed down through my house, so I thought I would give it to someone who needs it. It covers not only history, but also mythology, philosophy and folklore. You can find it in the mansion here in town.

                    Book of history and mythology
                    It seems there is another history book besides Samguk Sagi. Apparently the work can be found in the mansion in town.

                      • Discovery
                      • Samguk Yusa 1 ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:330 Fame:165
                        5-volume historical book said to have been compiled by the high priest of Goryeo, Iryeon.
                        Unlike the Samguk Sagi, it also includes records about Buddhism, folklore, and oral traditions.

                        Discovery is called Samguk Yusa.

                        You can also do Historical River quest first if you want in order to unlock Song dungeon. It doesn't have to be this first. You can even do both at the same time to save time if you have the cultural contribution rank...

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