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      Studying for Imperial Examinations
      No Expiration
      Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
      This is a request from a young man living in Hangzhou. He wants to know what he needs to do first in order to pass the Imperial Examinations. I imagine he could ask someone else who is studying for the exams. I'm sure there was someone studying diligently for that exam in Yuntaishan.
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                      Step 1: Studious Youth x2 - Yuntaichan - Next to the mansion below the tavern
                      Step 2: Use Search next to Youth - Yuntaichan


                      Confucious Said
                      "Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Isn't it also great when friends visit from distant places?
                      If one remains not annoyed when his greatness is not recognized in his time, isn't he a sage?"
                      Confucious sure was a great teacher...

                      Teachings of Confucious
                      Ah, yes, this is a teaching from confucious. It often appears in the Imperial Exams. He's saying, "Review what you have learned, it deepens your knowledge and leads to new discoveries.
                      ...Which is what I tell myself as I study for the Imperial Exams over and over.

                      Recommended Study for the Imperial Exams
                      The teachings of Confucious that many youthare studying often appear in the Imperial Exams.
                      Recommend these teaching to the requester.
                      Have the youth show you the book he is studying and then report it.

                        • Discovery
                        • Analects of Confucius ★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:240 Fame:120
                          Book of sayings by the Spring and Autumn period thinker, Confucius, recorded by his disciples. Composed of 20 volumes.
                          One of the subjects of the civil service examinations, and an invaluable work of Confucianism.

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