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      Wish of a Seafarer
      No Expiration
      Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
      Do you know any seafarers in Pohang? One of those blokes want you to do some research on a Buddha statue. I don't know what it's about, but seeing as you've studying Buddha statues before, I figured you'd be perfect for the job. Get some research materials at the archives in Hanyang and take them to the seafarer.
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                That which is brought by god of thunder 10 12 10 The Emerald Buddha
                Chariot of the sun god 1 3 1 Wheel of Konark

                1. Hanyang Archives - Browse Theology, Korean required
                2. Pohang - Talk to Seafarer
                3. West Pohang - Use Observe and Recognition southwest from entrance near the white flowers.

                1. About the Buddha Statues
                During a flourishing period of Buddhism, many Buddhist statues were made. There were bronze-gilded statues, stone statues and wood statues. They were of all sizes large and small, and were prevalent among all people. Certain stone Buddhas are said to cure any illness by carving off part of their nose and drinking the powder therefrom produced...

                2. Buddha of fate
                There is a Buddhist statue that can heal any disease? That sounds amazing.
                I may have finally found the Buddha statue I've been looking for! After all this time, I can finally cure my sea sickness! What..you say sea sickness isn't a real disease? Show a little sympathy...

                3. Relic from the Age of Buddhism
                The seafarer who made the request has been studying various Buddhist statues and praying to find a way to cure his sea sickness. Buddhism used to flourish in this region, and many Buddhist statues remain. One of those relics still exist on the outskirts of town. Go and look for it immediately.

                Discovery Reward :
                260 Adventure exp

                Card Reward :
                Three Stone Buddhas 130 Adventure exp

                Quest Reporting Reward :
                Quest Mediation Permit , 130 Adventure exp , 65 Adventure fame

                  • Discovery
                  • Three Stone Buddhas ★★ (Religious architecture) Exp:260 Fame:130
                    Stone Buddha believed to have been created during the early period of the Silla Dynasty. Buddhism was strong in Silla at that time and many stone statues still remain. The oldest stone Buddha of Korea has a legend that says that drinking a scraping from the Buddha's nose will cure any illness. the Buddha is said to no longer have a nose.

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