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Chasing Down Korean Paintings
No Expiration
Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
This is a request from a European Art Dealer. He wants you to research famous painters and paintings in the region of Korea. The culture there is a bit different than in Europe, so he's rather curious to see what art the are produces. You can get started by talking to the scholar in Hanyang.



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Offshoot Artist 


Sin Saimdang Painting 
Hanyang Hanyang Archives - Talk to Scholar (2x)
Pohang Pohang Mansion - Use
Observe and
Search at mansion on top of map

Painter Ahn Gyeon
How about the works of Ahn Gyeon? Most of the artists in the region work in ink paintings, and Ahn Gyeon uses the style to create naturally expressive landscape paintings... With is powerful yet delicate brush strokes and thick application of ink, he took the ink painting technique introduced from the mainland and evolved it into a new unique style.

Drawing Dreams
Ahn Gyeon left behind many works...landscape paintings, portraits, and other scenery paintings, but his most famous work was his painting of the Peach Blossom Land. It is a location that appeared in a dream of a prince under the fourth Korean king. Many artists were influenced by Ahn Gyeon's style. Some paintings are stored at the mansion in Pohang. Maybe you should go take a look?

Ink Painter Ahn Gyeon
Ahn Gyeon has been introduced to you as a famous painter of the region. Some of his ink paintings and other works can be found in the mansion in Pohang. Go and see them immediately.

Discovery Reward :
310 Adventure exp
Card Reward :
Ahn Gyeon Ink Painting 155 Adventure exp
Quest Reporting Reward :
Quest Mediation Permit , 130 Adventure exp , 65 Adventure fame
- Discovery
Ahn Gyeon Ink Painting ★★ (Work of art) Exp:310 Fame:155
Ink painting by the Korean artist, Ahn Gyeon.
Painting depicting a dream of the Peach Blossom Land by Ahn Pyeong Dae Gun, the third son of Korean king Sejong.
Ahn Gyeon is said to have finished this work in a mere three days.