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Outline of maritime course teaching
No Expiration
Genoa Maritime Guild
훈련 학교의 해군과정졸업생을 위해 교관을 모집을 한다는 의뢰다. 너는 교관에게 필요한 기술을 가지고 있어. 군인 교관이 되고 싶다면, 각 본거지의 해양조합 마스터에게 해양에 도움이 되는 지식을 얻고 논문을 정리해, 세비야의 해양조합 마스터에 제출해줘. 제출한다면, 면허장을 발행할 거야.



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선행 발견/퀘스트 [퀘스트] 해양 | 상급 군인과정 수료 검정 시험 (3) - 사그레스
Lisbon 해양조합, 해양조합 마스터 대화
London 해양조합, 해양조합 마스터 대화
Amsterdam 해양조합, 해양조합 마스터 대화
Marseilles 해양조합, 해양조합 마스터 대화
Venice 해양조합, 해양조합 마스터 대화
1~5 순서 무관
Seville 해양조합, 해양조합 마스터 대화
/Exp After report/ 120, /Fame/ 75
군인과정 교직 면허 1
Maritime Course Instructor Licence 1
The Pre in order to get this quest is as following:
You need to be graduated for maritime class from Pisa.
After that you can do this mission. You need to go, to every capitals school and speak to the maritime course instructor when done in Amsterdam,Londen,Lisabon,Marseille and Venice. Ones done you can report your findings to the Maritime course instructor @ the Seville school.
Then you can turn in the completed quest in Genoa again.
Concerning Battle fame one wiki Said 30k i did it with 58k battle fame so 30k could very well be right. Yet not confirmed.
If anyone is actually updating these anymore, Could you please correct the information above to *Maritime Instructor* I was not confused by this but some may be that's for sure.
For not graduates from Sagres
You do the same way appear in this page.
For graduates from Sagres
You get the quest from the instructors in Sagres.
You have to talk to every Maritime Guild Master, the person behind the desk at the guilds, from the same cities appear in this page.
Graduates from Sagres can't leech the quest from non graduates from Sagres.
None graduates from Sagres can't get the quest from the instructors in Sagres.
So, social is a must to pop? My alt have it and i do have leadership, but the quest just dont pop up.
Whatever, i get the sociability skill and +4 boosters, so the quest show up after 20 qmps
Quests for job cards tend to be very picky with skill requirements
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