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Living in the past
No Expiration
Alexandria Maritime Guild
We've got a request. A group of miscreants controlling the landing point to the west of here are plundering everything in sight. We can't let them go unopposed, so we want you to go deal with them. There's probably someone at the rest area who knows about such things, so head over there.


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1. In Alexandria, speak with the sitting Customer (in black) at the Rest Area.
2. Sail to Egypt North Coast and kill the bad guys.
[IMG:01] Attachment to the land
There are many gangs asserting control over the north coast of Egypt, but the largest is a group of former Mamluk soldiers. The Mamluk Sultanate used to rule this area. I understand how they must feel, but looting cannnot be tolerated.
[IMG:06] Soldiers of the Mamluk dynasty
A gang is indiscriminately looting the area surrounding a harbour to the west of Alexandria. You are to take them out. Land at the harbour, find them, and stop them.
Mamluk Soldier Lv11
The Map is wrong, the right location is Egypt North Cost, go all the way south there are Human Remains, the Mamluk Soldier is a little bit east of there.
According to Charts info, Mamluk Soldier can be found in Shore Opposite Cairo zone as well. It may be easier to find in Egypt North Coast as you said, though. Thanks; cheers.
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