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Wipe out the advance bases
No Expiration
Rio de Janeiro Imperial Contract
We're planning to build a base
on the southwest coast of South
America to aid in our forays
along the New World's west
coast. However, we've heard that
pirates appear frequently in the
area. You are ordered to deal
with said pirates.
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Rio de Janeiro Maritime Mediator

Chonos Pirates
The pirates who started showing up locally are Chonos piraes.
It's said that many of their ships are heavy galleons. They seem to
frequent a landing point on the west coast of the New World. Head
there promptly. Defeat them.
The objective this time is to sink 12 ships. Do your best.

Cleanup mission against the Chonos pirates
The objective this time is to sink
12 Chonos pirate ships near a
landing point on the southwest
coast of South America.
The objective is far from a supply
port so lay in provisions for a
long battle and head out to
defeat them.

Chonos Pirates 0 / 12
How bad are these "Chonos pirates"? Basically, is this a normal, challenging sea battle or is it like the equivalent Santiago IQ - good for evasion grind, killer for your cannons-sail-armours?