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      Portuguese territories trade plan info
      No Expiration
      Lisbon Merchant's Guild
      This is a request from the Market keeper of this town.They want you to go around Madeira and Porto and find out what the recommended special products are recently.This is a very important job for the regular trading ships,so do this job thorough!If you go around to each Market,they should tell you.
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                Talk with Market keeper from Porto 1x
                Talk with Market keeper from Madeira 1x
                Report quest to Market keeper in Lisbon

                Porto`s local favourite

                The only product to recommend from this town is its renowned wine,which can be served with pride anywhere at all .The taste is just extraordinary.
                Other than that,the pork is not bad,if you take it to Lisbon.They`ll use it to make Lisbon ham,so you`ll certainly make a profit.

                Madeira`s local facourite

                Hmm,of late, I recommend sugar.Development has been progressing around here,so they can make sugar from sugar cane.They are proud of its quality and quantityy.I want you to buy up alot.

                Gathered necessary information go back and report to market keeper in Lisbon.

                Information about trade plans for Portuguese territory.

                Oh,is this the information about our neighbouring town`s special product I requested from the Guild?
                Thank you`re a big help!
                Completed quest!

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