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      Outline of trade course teaching
      No Expiration
      Genoa Merchant's Guild
      New instructors are being recruited and they're specifically looking for Merchant Course graduates of the Maritime Academy. You meet the requirements so if you think you'd like to become a Merchant instructor you need to talk to the Merchant instructors at each school and write a thesis about the things you learn about from them in regards to trade and commerce. When you're finished turn it in to the Merchant instructor in Seville. If you pass you'll receive your instructor's license.
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                Graduate from Merchant Academy
                Outline of trade course teaching 5 5 1

                Note: you can visit the academies in any order, but you must finish in Seville
                1. Venice Voyager Academy Merchant Course Instructor
                2. Marseilles Voyager Academy Merchant Course Instructor
                3. Lisbon Voyager Academy Merchant Course Instructor
                4. London Voyager Academy Merchant Course Instructor
                5. Amsterdam Voyager Academy Merchant Course Instructor
                6. Seville Voyager Academy Merchant Course Instructor

                The Venice teacher's instruction
                You have risen in fame as a trader in investments and famous brands. Shops in cities are expanding inventories. Further development of the city requires continued investment in trade goods. If you want to increase your fame and profit, I recommend investing in the cities.

                The Marseilles teacher's instruction
                Your own country's influence in a city will increase by investing. As influence increases, trade volume will rise. Also, if your country's influence is greater than other's, that city will become an allied port and customs duties will not apply. Conversely, trade in another country's port will incur taxes.

                The Lisbon teacher's instruction
                As your country's influence in a city grows, overcharging and undercutting will increase. Where there is absolutely no influence, negotiations will end in one time failure. Opportunities for negotiations rise according to the level of social skills.

                The London teacher's instruction
                If you can command production, then you can produce exotic brands yourself. Increasing this potential will lead to increased profits. Profits can be made by producing and selling items to other voyagers. It is good to expand production.

                The Amsterdam teacher's instruction
                As brand name items are among trade goods, culture spheres play a role in cities. Differences between cultures affect the plans of the residents and the selling price of tradable items. For example, the price of goods in one culture sphere, say the Netherlands, will be different to that in Hamburg to the east, a German culture sphere.

                Paper writing
                Hmm... I see. A good summary. Based on this, I can recommend you as a Teacher. I will issue your license when reporting the request to the guild. When you want to become a Teacher, take this to the guild master and submit a request to change job.

                경험치: 120
                명성: 75

                    Have to talk to the Merchant Instructor at the school of each city.
                    No need in the same order

                    I think that you must finish the merchant shcool for this quest to show up

                    Now i'm sure that you can't get the quest if you did not finish your merchant school


                    For not graduates from Sagres
                    You do the same way appear in this page.

                    For graduates from Sagres
                    You get the quest from the instructors in Sagres.
                    You have to talk to every Merchant Guild Master, the person behind the desk at the guilds, from the same cities appear in this page.

                    Graduates from Sagres can't leech the quest from non graduates from Sagres.

                    None graduates from Sagres can't get the quest from the instructors in Sagres.

                    Please log in or register to reply.