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Do you like it thick?
No Expiration
Venice Merchant's Guild
The Artist of this town, Master Michelangelo, wants you to deliver a correspondence for a model request. The correspondence is in the Estate of Michelangelo, so go over there immediately.

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1.[ZONE:90005070][ZONE:90005077] - Michelangelo
2.[ZONE:90005070] - Craftsman
[IMG:01] The artist is single minded
Beauty is revealed in the well-formed body. Don't you think so? I want to carve that beauty into my works. I really want to ask that man to model for my next sculpture. Please go to the craftsman in town and give him this written request.
[IMG:01] The craftsman's appreciation
Whaaat!? Michelangelo wants me? Sorry, but no way. I don't have the kind of body to show in front of such a eminent man. Would you please write my letter of refusal to him? I can fashion iron, but I don't know how to write. Please help.
[IMG:06] The dictated letter
The craftsman says he does not have such as special body, do he refuses to model for you.
The real name is much more kinky - "Do you like it thick?"
Chrono quest - 16th century, 1st period.
LOL given the request comes from Michelangelo, I'm not surprised.
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