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Venice Merchant's Guild
The Artist of this town, Master Michelangelo, wants you to deliver a correspondence for a model request. The correspondence is in the Estate of Michelangelo, so go over there immediately.

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Venice Michelangelo Estate - Michelangelo
Venice - Craftsman

The artist is single minded
Beauty is revealed in the well-formed body. Don't you think so? I want to carve that beauty into my works. I really want to ask that man to model for my next sculpture. Please go to the craftsman in town and give him this written request.

The craftsman's appreciation
Whaaat!? Michelangelo wants me? Sorry, but no way. I don't have the kind of body to show in front of such a eminent man. Would you please write my letter of refusal to him? I can fashion iron, but I don't know how to write. Please help.

The dictated letter
The craftsman says he does not have such as special body, do he refuses to model for you.
LOL given the request comes from Michelangelo, I'm not surprised.