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      Aim for the south west tip
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      It has become recently known that a continent lies in the sea region to the southeast of here. This obviously necessitates the establishment of a sea route. I would like you to survey where is the southwest tip of this continent and what is the geography like. Speak with the Port Official if you decide to accept
      •  Member
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                  1. Jakarta Port Official ; Talk to
                  2. Pinjarra Rest House master ; talk to
                  3. Pinjarra young Man ; Talk to
                  4. Pinjarra Market Keeper ; Talk to
                  5. Perth Sea Basin head a bit south(around 5540, 6570)

                  Pinjarra, town close to the south west tip
                  When heading to the land south of Africa, if you remain aware of where the south west tip is then you should be able to keep your bearings. The information I have collected suggests that there is a town called Pinjarra close to the south west tip. Gather information there before heading out to make your investigation.

                  The south west tip is a cape
                  I can't say we get many visitors like you...
                  That's right, head south from here and the land does cut to the east. That must be the south west tip. I'ts a cape, too, so it makes the perfect landmark.

                  A verdant land
                  I don't like to boast, but this is a great place. Green, verdant, not too hot and not too cold... Go north a little from here and there is a river where large black birds flock. Hunting and eating those birds means you'll never lack for food, too. Its even easy to find, due to the cape to the south west making an obvious landmark.

                  Rich in minerals too
                  Oh, a very rare customer. Please, look at all our goods here. Gold is mined close to town, and you can get ore for the steel that you people like too. Our land is blessed, truly.

                  The south west tip of the continent
                  The south west tip of the land to the south east of Jakarta is apparently blessed with natural resources and minerals. In addition, the true south west point is a cape, making it the perfect landmark to navigate by. Head out and confirm this for yourself.

                  Discovery: 440 Adv Exp
                  Card: 220 Adv Exp and Cape Leeuwin
                  Report:440 Adv Exp, 150 Adv Fame and Quest Mediation Permit

                    • Discovery
                    • Cape Leeuwin ★★★ (Geography) Exp:440 Fame:220
                      A cape on the southwestern part of Australia. It has a beautiful landscape with a sweeping view of the Indian Ocean and the Antarctic Ocean. The surrounding land is abundantly green, even though it is found on the drought struck western side of the Australian continent. The area is rich in mineral resources.

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