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Scenery that still lives on
No Expiration
Stockholm Adventurer's Guild
This is a request from the town craftsman.
There is apparently a landscape painter in Amsterdam who can paint scenes that look real to the eye. He apparently famous among other painters, but not much information about him is known outside this group. I'd like you to go to Amsterdam to find out about this painter and his paintings.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
Amsterdam - speak with Craftsman
Amsterdam - speak with Flower Woman (at square)
Amsterdam Tavern - speak with Barkeep
Antwerp - speak with Craftsman
Antwerp - speak with City Official
London inside the
Duckett Company House use Observe and then Search.

A local artist
That's by a famous painer. His name is Johannes Vermeer. You must have heard of him, right...? You haven't? I guess he isn't very famous in other countries yet. He doesn't really leave his home town, so it probably can't be helped. He only has two vistas at the moment. You might want to ask the flower seller about him, too.

In the town of Delft
Vermeer's home town is a place called Delft, a little to the west of Amsterdam. I've been there many times myself, so I must have seen him sketching at some point, I'm sure, when I was younger. He is registered with the artist's union but he deals his art out of his own home, making his living that way.

Painter who loves his hometown
Vermeer is pretty famous around here, but he never leaves his home town so his fame isn't spreading. He painted some vistas in the past, but he hasn't painted many recently. Delft is close to Antwerp, so you might try asking there.

Hardly a prolific artist
Vermeer paints well but he moves his brush awfully slowly, if you know whtat I mean. He deals art from his home and runs an inn there, too, so I guess it can't be helped... It's quite possible upon a visit to his studio that he won't even have any sketches to show. The town official knows about his vista works.

A scene frozen in time
Vermeer gave that particular painting to a rich man in London as collateral on his debts. When he painted it his hear was torn by the sorrow of a gunpowder explosion that occurred in Delft a number of years ago. The painting is filled with his love for his hometown, and now that love will surely live on within this work for hundreds more years.

Scenery that still on
Vermeer is a painter who places that which he sees directly into his paintings. He loves his home town of Delft, and the painting question depicts that same town. A rich man in London currently against Vermeer's debts, so that's where you must go to see it.
- Discovery
The Little Street ★★ (Work of art) Exp:280 Fame:140
A landscape by Vermeer. It is said to have been a picture of his hometown of Delft, where he spent the majority of his life. He drew everything, including the minutest detail; he drew the seams between bricks, and the bolts on the doors. Extremely realistic, it looks as if he's captured an instant of time.
do the map 1st..then you can spawn this thing...