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      The man well spoken of
      No Expiration
      Venice Maritime Guild
      We got a request from a Barkeep here.
      There are rumours in Venice lately about a man named Pompeo. Your job is to investigate his actions here. Talk to the Barkeep to get more details.
      •  Member
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              1. Venice Tavern Talk to Barkeep X3
              4. Venice Talk to Gondola Rower (Market Port Guide)
              5. Venice Talk to Peddler's Daughter (Near Square)
              6. Venice Talk to Noble Housewife (Square)
              7. Venice Talk to Senator (Across from entrance to Doge estate)
              8. Venice Tavern Talk to Barkeep

              Edited by DreadPirateWesley

              1. A life-changing occurence
              Are you here about Pompeo?
              Well, listen to this. He was a banker. A hard working good man. But he got caught up in some troubles with pirates on a certain job, and something happened that changed his life.

              2. Rescued by pirates
              Pompeo was about to be captured by pirates when a rival group of pirates saved him. He became enarmoured with his rescuers. He decided he was going to study to become a pirate.
              Can you believe it? Studying to become a pirate! He even quit his job.

              3. The pirates' bowl or not
              So I want you to see what he's been doing around town. People are starting to talk about his "studies".
              Find out what you can and report back to me. I want to know if he's got what it takes to be a pirate. I'll be waiting

              4. First-rate song
              Pompeo? He wanted to learn about rowing galleys, and asked to try out my gondola, but he dropped the oar and got seasick. A gondola is nothing like a galley in the first place, anyway.
              His canzone was nice, though.

              5. Skilled at sales
              Pompeo? He should forget this pirate nonsense. He was born a merchant. Once, a customer came in while my mother was away. I didn't know what to do, but Pompeo stepped in and helped. He's a great talker and made us a lot of money. Mother was so happy.

              6. A gallant act
              Pompeo. He's a very brave man.
              Just the other day, a little girl accidentally dropped her doll into the canal. Everyone else just stood around watching it, but Pompeo tore through the crowd, dived into the water, and got her doll back.

              7. For Pompeo to become a pirate...
              Hmm, Pompeo? He;s trying to become a pirate, but I wish he wouldn't. He's just too good of a secretary for me to lose. Please, tell the Barkeep that Pompeo will be a pirate the day the canals of Venice dry up.

              8. Make Pompeo steward
              Just as I thought. The pirates life isn't for Pompeo. But he already quit his job. What's he supposed to do now?
              Hey, you have Quarters don't you? I think he's well-suited to be a steward. Won't you hire him on?

              9. The man well spoken of
              Like the Barkeep said, Pompeo might not be a pirate, but he could be a capable steward. Help him out by hiring him on.



              보고시 경험치 10, 명성 8 획득
              집사 폰페오 고용 가능

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