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Wilds of red sand
No Expiration
Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
Wasn't it you who surveyed the Gulf of Carpentaria?
Did you notice a peninsula at the east of the Gulf? This latest request is to survey that peninsula. Gather supplies and head for Kakadu



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Kakadu : Market Keeper
Kakadu : Shop Keeper
Kakadu : Resident
Kakadu : Young Man
Kakadu : Maiden
The Arafura Sea - (6750,5740)
Observe Recognition 
Wrinkled earth 


The Gulf of Carpentaria 
Wilds of red sand
Cape York Peninsula
One paradise that actually exists 


The Coral Sea 

1. Red wilds
Oh, you're back. This time as a customer...? Hmm, guess not. Oh, the peninsula on the eastern side of the gulf to the east, eh? Apparently the majority of the peninsula is wasteland covered in red sand. But, during the rainy season it gets plenty of rain so it's not completely dead land. Anyway, you do know I actually sell items don't you?

2. Wildfire
Yep, that's right. And during the dry season there are often many wildfires in the grasslands. During the dry season even the grasslands dry up almost like a desert. Sometimes a strike of lightning will start the fires, other times it's because of someone's carelessness. Just be careful not to get caught up in one.

3. Blessings of wildfire
Wildfires due to accidents...?
Yeah, I suppose that happens but sometimes people start them on purpose. They do it 'cause when you're hunting, it's easier to see without all the grass in your way. And for some reason, after the wildfires burn out the grasslands and revitalized. I've heard that some plants won't even sprout until after a wildfire.

4. A frightening bird when angry
If you're going to the peninsula you'd better be careful of one thing. There are giant birds that live there, and you'd better not get close to them when they're incubating their eggs. If you get too close they'll be on you with their huge claws in no time. They're normally very docile, but I still wouldn't try to provoke them in any way if I were you.

5. Sea where wealth slumbers
You're a sailor aren't you? I'll let you in on something then. There's a peninsula further east of the gulf to the east, and in the waters just north of there you can find pearls and sea cucumbers. I bet that got your attention didn't it? Well, if you find a lot of 'em be sure to give me some for letting you in on the secret!

6. Wilds of red sand
There is a peninsula to the east of the Gulf of Carpentaria which is a wasteland covered in red sand.
However, during the rainy season it receives plenty of rain and some grasslands even form there. I should use the "
Recognition "command from the northern tip of the peninsula to survey the area.
Quest Mediation Permit
Cape York Peninsula
- Discovery
Cape York Peninsula ★★★ (Geography) Exp:484 Fame:220
A projecting peninsula in the northeast of Australia. The northern point is called Cape York and is the northernmost point of Australia. To the east is the Coral Sea and to the west is the Gulf of Carpentaria. There are many unusual animals living there.