- City
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- Discovery
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- Required
Queen of Pegu
No Expiration
Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
There are many old temples near the town of Pegu. They are very luxurious, some decorated with gold. It seems that applying gold leaves was popular. It must have been a very prosperous nation. This time, I would like you to study about that dynasty and its kings. Please go to Pegu



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Pegu - Maiden
Pegu - Near Maiden
Observe Search 

1. 오래 된 사원
이 도시의 교외에는 파간왕조의 사원이 있어요. 제 할머니의 할머니의 할머니의 할머니 때부터 쭉 있었다고 해요. 굉장히 오래된 것이지요. 지금같은 모양이 된 것은 페구왕조의 신소부여왕 때에요. 여왕은 자신의 몸무게와 같은 양의 금을 사원에 붙였다고 해요. 그 무렵이 절정기였었지요

2. 페구 여왕
페구 도시의 교외에 있는 사원은 파간 왕조의 시대에 만들어진 것이라고 한다. 페구왕조의 신소부여왕은 체중과 같은 양의 금을 사원에 붙였으며 그것이 유행이었다고 하니 왕국이 얼마나 번영했었는지 짐작이 간다. 교역소 부근의 작은 섬을 찾아보자
Quest Mediation Permit
Earrings of Queen Shin Saw Bu
- Discovery
Earrings of Queen Shin Saw Bu ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:280 Fame:140
The earrings of Queen Shin Sawbu of the Pegu dynasty. Queen Shin Sawbu repaired the Shwezigon pagoda with an amount of gold leaf equal to her own body weight. These earrings were gorgeous and sparkled as though to display her power, but they were also very delicate and feminine.
- Location
Know someone how to finish this quest? "I should examine the small island near the market" it say.....i searched everywhere but still cannot find right place.
Put the Observe skill in a Quick-slot and then stand by the market and spam it while you keep looking around with the A or D key for the indicator flash that tells you where to use Search.
Do not forget that the Observe skill, when used, shows a yellow star on your map that reveals the precise location of the discovery. This star will appear on both the surveying map, and the city map.
Oh, the yellow star definitely shows up on the city map with Observe skill and items that have its effect, it's just not always easy to see. Your proximity to the discovery may also affect whether or not the star appears right away, kind of like with the surveying map in outskirt/landing areas; I can't recall offhand. Thanks for being specific about the NPC's location!
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