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Ruler of the skies
No Expiration
Rio de Janeiro Adventurer's Guild
You investigated an animal called a sloth before, didn't you? The town official witnessed a bird prey on these sloths...from the sky. He is worried tat they might attack people as well. Go talk to the town official to learn more.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1.[DBLINK:10000123] - Talk to City Official
2.[DBLINK:10000122] - Talk to Seafarer
3.[DBLINK:70001360] - Talk to Seafarer
4.[DBLINK:70001360] - Talk to Merchant
5.[DBLINK:10000111] - Talk to Seafarer
6.[DBLINK:10000111] - Talk to Raul (2x)
7.[DBLINK:10000119] - Talk to Gatekeeper
9.[ZONE:90001070] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000010] in the south near the red flowers.
[IMG:01] Carried lightly
The bird I am asking you to research was strong enough to carry a sloth into the air. Perhaps it will come after a human child next. The bird flew off towards the Amazon river. Head to Bahia first, and gather information.
[IMG:01] A bird like a monster
A very strong bird?... I don't know if this is the one you are looking for, but let me tell you a story I heard at the tavern in Maracaibo. They say that along the Amazon, there are birds with vivid red and blue colours, and that there is another monstrous bird that preys on those.
[IMG:01] Strength
Ah yes, the bird that attacks large parakeets. It's really powerful. They can carry away parakeets as big as themselves! And these parakeets are bigger than sloths.
[IMG:01] Agility
I know that they're quick. You've seen the forests near the Amazon, right? It flies through the trees at tremendous speeds and captures its fleeing prey... That's what the sailor in Portobelo said, at least.
[IMG:01] Ruler of the skies
That bird... it flies through the trees with its huge body, and uses its powerful legs and claws to capture its prey. The way the fur around its neck stands on end gives it the air of the ruler of the skies. I told this story to Raul, and he started thinking about something.
[IMG:01] Harpy
Hey, you're a sailor, you know about Greek mythology, right? ...The bird that the sailor was talking about, doesn't it remind you about the harpies of Greek mythology? Well, the harpies had the body of a human woman, but the speed, strong legs, and claws...
[IMG:01] Gatekeeper in Merida
Also, I've heard about that bird from a customer who came in here. The gatekeeper at Merida told me he saw it fly to the outskirts a couple of times.
[IMG:01] Beyond the gate
Oh, that bird, yes, I've seen it fly towards the outskirts of town a few times. I am always impressed by its power and grace. If you wish to investigate it, then you should head out from this gate.
[IMG:06] Investigation of the ruler of the sky
The bird is fast, has strong legs and claws, and has the air of the ruler of the skies. I should go to the outskirts of Merida and find this bird.
- Discovery
Harpy Eagle ★★★★★★ (Bird) Exp:1131 Fame:435
This hawk has a black, fan-shaped crest on its head. It flies at high speed through the tropical forests using its powerful legs and large, sharp claws to catch medium-sized animals, like monkeys, or even large-sized birds.