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Mayan god of the weather
No Expiration
Portobelo Adventurer's Guild
A scholar researching Mayan gods hasa job for you: The Mayan pantheon has a god named Le Huu Trac, and to aid his studies he would like a statue of his god found. Merida would be the place to inquire about Mayan gods.



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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Merida - Resident
Southwest Merida - South-West Merida

Mayan god of the weather
God of rain 


The Statue of Tlaloc [IMG16,Obtained info]

1. God of rain
Chaac is the god of rain. Well, not only rain, but weather in general. He is usually not up to any mischief, but when he gets mad, he startsa huge flood. I hear the ancient people had a great city in the outskirts of this town. Maybe you can look there and find something?

2. Statue of Le Huu Trac
Chaac is the god of weather. There are ruins of the old city outside of Merida, so it is likely that i would be able to find a statue there. Once i get to the sout-west area of Merida, I should start searching from the flower to the south-east.
Quest Mediation Permit
The Statue of Chaak
발견시 경험치 290, 카드 경험치 72
보고시 경험치 255, 명성 170, 의뢰 알선서 5 획득
- Discovery
The Statue of Chaak ★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:290 Fame:145
A rain god corresponding to the Aztec god Tlaloc. He was thought to bring not only rain but various other weather conditions.