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      Shadow on the Imperial Capital
      No Expiration
      Santo Domingo Merchant's Guild
      We have a special request here for any sailor that is familiar with the Aztec's imperial capital of Tenochtitlan. You'll need to deliver 5 crates of gold to the Item Shop there in Tenochtitlan. Ever since Cortes has made his way into Tenochtitlan these kinds of jobs have been on the rise. I wonder what's going on there...
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                  [IMG19,Quest guide]
                  Tenochtitlan 도구점 주인과 2번 대화
                  Southeast Veracruz 남동쪽 큰바위 부근 소녀나 남자와 대화
                  Tenochtitlan 도구점주인
                  Thoughts of one who is no more 1

                  Client Absent
                  Ahh yes, the gold we asked for... The road from Vera-cruz is near not traversable at the best of times, and now things are a little dangerous too. We wanted to make sure it got here But... the client hasn't appeared to accept the delivery yet. He planned to present the gold for an interview with Cortes... It's just another levy..
                  Gold's uses
                  Hey could you look for someone for me? This gold belongs to Cuauhtemoc, the King of Cuaujukan, overlooking Lake Texcoco. He was supposed to be present at the meeting with Cortes, but nobody has seen him since he headed to the suburbs... There's not much time. Please find him as soon as possible.
                  Stolen Imperial Capital
                  I met with Cuauhtemoc, the owner of the gold. He said that even a king needs money for an interview with Cortes. He was full of disparaging remarks about the Imperial Capital. Just what is happening here..? For now, let's head to the shop in Tenochtitlan to hand over the gold.
                  Resolute soldier
                  Cuauhtemoc is trying to stop Cortes and save Emperor Moctezuma II from the darkness. He says that's the only way to bring back the Aztec Empire. The Aztec soldiers are resolved. And just who was that girl in the woods...? Perhaps Cuauhtemoc's enemy...?
                  Shaken Empire
                  I delivered the gold for the interview with Cortes. According to Cuauhtemoc, the wealth and power of the Aztecs rests in Cortes's hands. Why isn't Cuauhtemoc trying to take it back...? And what about the girl in the woods...?


                  경험치:50, 명성:20

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