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      Aztec God of Culture
      No Expiration
      Santo Domingo Adventurer's Guild
      Here's a job from a scholar that has been studying the Aztec god Quetzatcoatl: He had found a statue of his god, but recently had it stolen by bandits. He would like the original recovered if possible, but would accept other similar statues in instead. Vera Cruz would be the best place for information on Aztecs.
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                [IMG:19] 1.[ZONE:90005732] - Maiden 2.[ZONE:90001069] - Near the Swamp [IMG:16] [IMG:01] 1. God of Culture Quetzatcoatl is the god of culture. They say he is brothers with Tezcatlipoca. He is a unique god, in that he never ask for a sacrifice.Huh? A statue of Quetzalcoatl? I've never heard of one. But they say there is a ritual site south of this town, where old statues of gods are collected and prayed to. [IMG:06] 2. Statue of Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl is the god of culture, and his brothers with the god of night, Tezcatlipoca. I have been told that there is a site south of Veracruz where old statues of gods are collected. Perhaps someone with a firm belief in the god took the statue of the scholar and buried it there. I should go south frm Veracruz and search near the large swamp. [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:70000927] [DBLINK:90001069] 발견시 모험경험 490, 카드 획득시 모험겸험 122 보고시 모험경험 315, 보고시 모험명성 105, 의뢰 알선서 7 입수

                  • Discovery
                  • Statue of Quetzalcoatl ★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:539 Fame:245
                    The god of culture from Aztec mythology. This god was said to be a peace-loving god who did not demand sacrifices, which was unusual for Aztec gods. He was tricked by Tezcatlipoca's and before leaving the center vowed to return in the first year of the reed.

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