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      Narrow Path to the Eastern Islands
      No Expiration
      Calicut Adventurer's Guild
      You have heard about the Spice Islands which lay in the sea far east of here, right? To head there going east, there is a sea straight that absolutely cannot be avoided. This request is to explore that straight. First go gather information at Aceh, on the island south-southeast of Calcutta
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                        1. Banda Aceh - Talk to Seafarer
                        2. Banda Aceh - Talk to Shipwright
                        3. Malacca - Talk to Seafarer
                        4. Malacca - Talk to Merchant
                        5. The Andaman Sea - East of Malacca near 4582,4681 use Observe and Recognition

                        Narrow Path to the Eastern Islands
                        Investigate - New World east of Malacca 3 5 1 Borneo Island
                        On each of the promontories... 4 6 1 Celebes Island
                        Blank region in spice islands 3 5 1 The Celebes Sea

                        1. Countless reefs and shallows
                        It was a good idea to stop by in this town to the south-east sees many shipwrecks. It's no surprise, since the straits are full of rocks and reefs and even local sailors don't always make it through safely. Take your time to prepare in this town

                        2. Head to Malacca
                        You came all the way down here for esearch? Well, then you should visit the town of Malacca, on the peninsula to the north of the strait. Most ships that pass through the strait stop by at that town, so your research should go well there. Now let's talk business. Repairs, parts, tell me what you need.

                        3. Shallows the position of which are known
                        You came from Atjeh? Well good for you for not running aground. You must have already heard that the strait is full of shallows and reefs. Well, the shallows change position often, you see. Because the water flows so quickly in the strait, the sand gets moved around, changing the position of the shallows.

                        4. Region filled with pirates
                        Also, those parts see very heavy rain and winds frm time to time. It's strong that it can take away your sight. Most large ships have to slow down to pass the strait - which makes them ripe for pirate pickings. You should arm yourself well to get through that strait.

                        5. Narrow path to the east
                        The strait to the west of Malacca has reefs, shallows that change position, and pirates that target large ships. I should do a through investigation to identify the dangers.

                          • Discovery
                          • The Straits of Malacca ★★ (Geography) Exp:320 Fame:160
                            The strait passing between the Malay Peninsula and the island of Sumatra. This strait is an important passage for east and west trade but it's very narrow, and the water is extremely shallow. Also, because there are many hidden reefs and shoals, sailors must be particularly attentive and careful when passing through.

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