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      A bird with a practical use
      No Expiration
      Aden Adventurer's Guild
      You must be used to creature hunts by now, no? Well, here's one to test your mettle: Sahar at the rest area wants someone to look for a bird that uses tools. Go talk to him directly for the details.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                        1. Aden - Talk to Sahar (barboy)
                        2. Aden - Talk to Customer
                        3. Massawa - Speak with Customer (blue)
                        4. Massawa - speak with City Official x2
                        6. Northern Ethiopia - Use Observe and Ecological Research at ruins near entrance, to the southwest

                        Prerequisite :
                        The Country of Prester John 1 3 1 The Aksum Stelae

                        Unlock :
                        A Vulture from the South of Africa 5 7 1 Cape Vulture

                        1. Used as a tool
                        Welcome! ...Um, You're the person who accepted our request, right?
                        Well then, I heard from a customer about a bird that uses tools when eating. But that customer was in a hurry and I didn't hear it through to the end. It's been driving me crazy to know the rest of the story

                        2. Appearance known at a glance
                        I heard it too. It's not just how it eats. Apparently it has an unusual appearance as well. It has a blue face and is covered in white and brown feathers everywhere except its head.
                        A fellow from Massawa told the story. If you want to know more, you should go and meet him directly

                        3. A vague memory
                        Sorry, but I've forgotten about that bird story. I heard it from the town official. I think it would be fastest for you to ask him directly.
                        ...Oh, I just remembered something. He said hat that bird was called a "goddess" long ago

                        4. An interesting way to eat
                        That bird eats ostrich eggs which have hard shells, and uses rocks to break them. That's a really smart bird.
                        ...What? Why was it called a "goddess?" Well, here's why.

                        5. Origin of a goddess
                        In Egypt, birds reverd on the same level as snakes and were called "goddesses." It was believed that the sun was borne from snakes, and that birds proclaimed the death of the sun. I'm not sure if that's coorect or not.

                        6. Investigation of vultures
                        That bird uses rocks to break open eggs. It was also called a "goddess" in ancient Egypt. Go to the pointed rocks southwest from Massawa, proceed further inland from there and investigate

                        Quest Mediation Permit

                        Egyptian Vulture

                        발견시 경험치 350, 카드 경험치 87
                        보고시 경험치 115, 명성 124, 의뢰 알선서 5 획득

                          • Discovery
                          • Egyptian Vulture ★★ (Bird) Exp:350 Fame:175
                            They use their large, broad wings to catch upward air currents and stay aloft for hours at a time. Their method of eating is unusual. They use rocks to break the shells of large eggs such as ostrich eggs.

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