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The gathering place of pirates
No Expiration
Aden Adventurer's Guild
The Indian Ocean is filled with islands, which makes it an ideal nesting place for pirates. We need better maps in order to deal with them. There's been a lot of attacks and groundings reported near the islands west of Calicut recently. That would be a good starting point for a survey.


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[IMG19,Quest guide]
India, West coast - 캘리컷 서쪽 네개의 섬(좌표 3160,4320 부근)에서
Observe Recognition [IMG16,Obtained info]

1. 캘리컷 서쪽 제도
인도양의 제도에는 해적들이 모이는 곳이 많다. 캘리컷의 서쪽에서 해적의 목격과 습격 정보가 많다고 한다. 부근에서 '인식'을 사용하면 될 것이다.
Quest Mediation Permit
The Laccadive Islands
발견시 경험치 320, 카드 경험치 80
보고시 경험치 150, 명성 170, 의뢰 알선서 6 획득
- Discovery
The Laccadive Islands ★★ (Geography) Exp:320 Fame:160
Islands to the west of Southern India. This cluster is made up of about 40 islands, but they are only home to a small number of people. The people there make their livelihoods growing palm trees and fishing.