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      The supreme Hindu god
      No Expiration
      Cape Town Adventurer's Guild
      The Hindu religion which pervades throughout India is polytheistic. Isn't it interesting that they have all kinds of gods? For your next job, i'd like you to investigate about Brahma, who is one of their chief deities. His origin is quite unusual, but i want you to look into that, too. Why not search for someone knowledgeable on the subject in Calicut?
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                [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005566] - Talk to Temple Staff 2.[ZONE:90005562] - Talk to Craftman 3.[ZONE:90005564] - [SKILL:30000035][SKILL:30000020] [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21][QUEST:99994578] [IMG:22][QUEST:99994560] [IMG:23][QUEST:99994554] [IMG:24][QUEST:99994505] [IMG:25]The supreme Hindu god [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. Insusbstancial god Brahma is the highest god in Hindhuism and Brahman is the fundamental principle of universe. With such divinity is Brahman worshipped. Of course he also goes by the title of Creator. How about inquiring in goa where there is a majestic statue in a temple. [IMG:01] 2. Four faces and four arms Brahma is depicted with four faces and four arms. His four faces are four teaching, just as the Vedas. Long ago, as the highest god, he was called on the handle a geat deal of things but nowadays, Vishnu and Shiva have more dealings. Being a concept from the star. I guess it was evitable. [IMG:06] 3. Personified ideal Brahma originally existed only as a name. He was given a persona to make him more accessible. Go and have a look at the statue in the temple in Goa. There may be people praying in front of it. [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:00519900] [DBLINK:70000246] [DBLINK:90005564]

                  • Discovery
                  • The Statue of Brahma ★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:484 Fame:205
                    A statue of Brahma, the greatest god in the Hindu religion. Brahma is the god of creation and one of the three major deities. However, Brahma does not seem to be as publicly worshipped as Shiva and Vishnu.

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