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      A swollen body
      No Expiration
      Cape Town Adventurer's Guild
      A strange creature has been discovered in the lands past The Cape of Good Hope. Apparently it doesn't look like any living creature ever seen in this world. Talk to the town official requesting this survey for the details.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                    1. Cape - speak with City Official
                    2. Cape - speak with Market Keeper 2x
                    4. Africa South-Southeast Coast - near the southern cactus Observe Ecological Research

                    Pre-Q (1 quest)
                    South tip of Africa 2 4 1 The Cape of Good Hope

                    A swollen body Rain Frog
                    Forbidden strawberries 9 11 1 Poison Dart Frog
                    Golden Fruit 10 12 1 Golden Mantella

                    1. After the rain has stopped
                    A Market Keeper apparently said something at the town bar about an acquaintance of that person saw a mysterious creature when searching inland after the rain stopped. Go to ask details to the Market Keeper and investigate about that animal.

                    2. Budai
                    According to what was heard from the acquaintance tradesperson, the ground surface was moving funny, when what looked like a small cloth sack came out of the ground. Upon going closer to have a better look, it blew up like a balloon. Looking closer a face and arms and legs like a frog could be seen sticking out of the cloth sack...

                    3. Beyond the cape of good hope
                    When reaching out to try to catch it, it dived into the dirt from its tail end. That cloth sack-looking frog was apparently seen on the second land mass after passing around Cape of Good Hope from this town. Watch out for storms on your way there.

                    4. Investigation of Budai-like frog.
                    A frog that looks like a small cloth sack apparently live at a place just past the Cape of Good Hope. Go on shore from the south-southeast coast of Africa to investigate the animal.

                    Quest Mediation Permit

                    발견시 경험치 240, 카드 경험치 60
                    보고시 경험치 180, 명성 130, 의뢰 알선서 4 획득

                      • Discovery
                      • Rain Frog ★★ (Small creature) Exp:240 Fame:120
                        They mostly hide in the ground and come out after rainstorms. If chased, they will puff up heir bodies and scurry back underground.

                        Around the human cactus under the entrance

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