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Investigation of a blue beast
No Expiration
Saint-Georges Adventurer's Guild
We've received a rather interesting request. You know about a blue beast that lives in southern Africa?
Well, I'd like you to investigate its living habits. First, gather information in the town of Karibib.



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Karibib - Talk to Barkeeper
Karibib - Talk to Seafarer
Africa South-Southwest Coast - Use
Observe and
Ecological Research north-east of the Human Cactus

1. Purpose of the hunt
What a poor animal!
To be hunted down when it is so large and moves so slowly.
Ahoy there, sailor.
Hunting began after the arrival of Portugese colonists.

2. Blue and beautiful fur
As the master says, not only for food but for that beautiful bluish skin.
It's obvious that numbers have fallen lately.
If it continues they'll disappear from here.
There are still some in the south.

3. Rare blue beast
The numbers of this sought after blue beast are dwindling.
Make your way overland, south east from Karibib and continue searching when you reach the human-shaped cacti.
Quest Mediation Permit
발견시 경험치 315, 카드 경험치 78
보고시 경험치 120, 명성 130, 의뢰 알선서 5 획득
- Discovery
Blaubok ★★ (Medium-sized creature) Exp:315 Fame:175
Antelopes with beautiful, blue-gray fur that live on the plains of southern Africa. With their horns, they stand at around 2m in height which is large for an antelope. The peculiar colour of their fur is highly prized, but if they continue to be hunted in this way, they are likely to become extinct.
The discovery is near the Human Cactus. (NW Corner)