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            A large stone house
            No Expiration
            Aden Adventurer's Guild
            African homes are usually built out of plant parts or clay, but apparently there are some stome buildings in Southern Africa that are not Arabian in origin. A scholar wants to go investigate, so can you go and gather information in Sofala first?
            •  Member
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                          [IMG19,Quest guide]
                          1. Sofala - Resident - talk to
                          2. Sofala - Market keeper - talk to
                          3. Inland Zimbabwe - 유적 부근에서 Observe Recognition

                          Panic in the darkness 5 7 1 Bush Baby
                          King of the Tropics 3 5 1 Emperor Scorpion

                          [IMG16,Obtained info]
                          1. There's a quarry
                          Interesting, does such a people exist? I don't know...
                          Oh - there is a quarry inland. I hear that there are some people besides us who cut rock there. Although they haven't been seen in many years. Why not ask the other men

                          2. People recently left
                          People who make stone houses...I haven't heard of it. Oh, I remember something. In the past there were people who sometimes came from inland to trade, but they haven't been seen in several years... Too bad we can't ask them. I wonder If they have gone somewhere else.

                          3. 돌을 캐는 민족
                          소팔라의 내륙에 있던 민족은 채석장에서 돌을 채석했던 것 같다. 아라비아의 기술은 연안의 커다란 도시에 한정되어있으니, 독자적인 건조 기술을 갖고 있던 게 아닐까. 소팔라의 북동쪽에 상륙할 수 있는 장소가 있으니, 그것에서 안쪽으로 들어가 조사해 보자.

                          Quest Mediation Permit

                          The Zimbabwe Ruins

                          발견시 경험치 260, 카드 경험치 65
                          보고시 경험치 120, 명성 130, 의뢰 알선서 5 획득

                            • Discovery
                            • The Zimbabwe Ruins ★★ (Historic site) Exp:260 Fame:95
                              A group of stone structures in the south of Africa. This was the capital of the Kingdom of Mutapa, meaning Stone house in the Shona language. African cultures who built in stone were rare.

                              The last bit of info from the quest is badly written, and should read northeast of Sofala instead of northwest. That would prevent some possible confusion. Once at Africa Southeast Coast, proceed to Inland Zimbabwe.

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