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Roman politics
No Expiration
Tunis Adventurer's Guild
A Scholar is investigating about the government of the Roman Empire, but it seems they don't have enough materials. They want you to go to Venice and collect information about the government of the Roman Empire. If you ask the Scholars over there, you should be able to find enough.



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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Venice Archives - Talk to the Scholar
Venice Archives - Read the book on Archaeology x3
[IMG16,Obtained info]

1. Venetian Archives
You want to know about Roman era government? We have several books on that subject over on the archaeology shelf. We have many editions of books authored by Tacitus that you should read if you're interested.

2. Annals, Private edition
Emperor Caligula's ascension to the throne was given a warm welcome by the people. The people's hearts were still full of anxiety from the previous emperor's reign of political terror, but the air of freedom his policies helped build filled the town. However, those policies also put a strain on the empire's finances and he soon lost public sentiment. His reign lasted only three years before he was assassinated.

3. Annals, Private edition
Claudius rebuilt the empire based on solid policies and was appointed as emperor by the senate. They say he was a learned historian with a moderate personality about him. However, his biggest sin was adopting the despot Nero. In his youth Nero was remarkably bright and very popular, but...

4. Histories, Commentaries
Vespasianus became the fourth and final emperor of the year 69. He resolved the civil war and strengthened the status of the emperor through the establishment of imperial laws. These laws would lay the groundwork for the tyrannical reign of the emperors that followed him.

5. Library of Venice
I was able to read a lot of different books by Tacitus of Venice. I think that should be enough material about the Roman government for me to use
Quest Mediation Permit
Experience: 20
Fame: 12
TH model statesmen rank 12 clue Return to Rule and rank 13 clue Plot to Rule gives this quest