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Torso that catches the wind
No Expiration
Athens Adventurer's Guild
This request is from the Guild. The body of a female statue was recently unearthed at Samothrace island, But since it's just the body, nobody knows who it is a statue of. The sculptor Salonika is overseeing the restoration work. This request is to assist the scultptor and to investigate about that statue. First go speak to the sculptor Salonika.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1.[ZONE:90005405] - Sculptor
2.[ZONE:90005405] - Old Local Doctor
3.[ZONE:90005429] - Scholar
4.[ZONE:90005409] - City Girl, between Merchant & Adventurer Guild
5.[ZONE:90002017] - Blueharne Gang Lv7
6.[ZONE:90001017] - White flower
7.[ZONE:90005405] - Sculptor
8.[ZONE:90005429] - Scholar
9.[ZONE:90005405] - Sculptor
10.[ZONE:90005405] - Front of church [SKILL:30000035][SKILL:30000020]
[IMG:01] 1. Requests from a sculptor
The statue is just a body with no head or arms but it is extremely large. It's about twice as tall as I am! I wish I could find the remaining parts so I could put it back together... Anyway, don't stick to just this town when you're doing your research. Try asking around in lots of different places. I need information, no matter what it is!
[IMG:01] 2. Drape that move beautifully in the wind
I saw it when I went to Salonika. It was made of marble. I thought the drape was particularly beautiful. It was so detailed it seemed like it was really being blown by a strong wind. Even its feet were designed to look like it was struggling to stand in the wind.
[IMG:01] 3. Faith of the island of Samothrace
The island of Samothrace has always been a place of adamant faith for goddesses. I'm sure that statue is likely the statue of a goddess as well... Too bad the torso is all that's left. I hope someone finds the arms and head someday...
[IMG:01] 4. Rumors of a suspicious man
The other day a shady looking man came by trying to sell me small bits of marble. I didn't like the impression he gave me so I told him to leave. He told me he was searching for treasure around the Aegean Sea and if I decided I wanted some to come find him. Of course, there's no way that's going to happen...
[IMG:01] 5. I've been unlucky since then...
Hey, if you want it I'll give it to you! Nobody will buy those pieces of marble for anything! I swear, I've had the worst luck since then... If you're looking for the shards I found on Samothrace you can find it over at that place with all the white flowers...
[IMG:04] 6. Discovery of a hemp sack
...After pushing my way through the flowers I found the shards of marble lying in a sack. Upon first glance I'd say there were about 100 shards of marble in there. This could be the pieces. of the statue that broke off. I should hand them over to the Sculptor in Salonika.
[IMG:01] 7. Wings?
Hm? What's this...? Are these pieces from the statue? They're so small I can't tell what's what... I guess we can take this piece and... Hmm, maybe put them this way? This goes here and... this one goes here... Hey, doesn't this kind of look like a wing? What could a statue of a winged goddess be...?
[IMG:01] 8. Statue of Nike?
Wings? That must be the goddess Nike then. She's the Greek goddess of victory. Normally she's expressed as having winds. That reminds me, there are some written records that state that when the people of Rhodes were attacked during the Seleucus Dynasty they prayed for victory and put up a statue of Nike on one of their ships. As a result, the people of Rhodes ended up winning that naval battle.
[IMG:01] 9. Completed statue
The statue of the goddess Nike, eh? I have to agree that the way in which the statue looks as though it's heading into the wind is very powerful. The restored wings makes her look even more majestic. At first I didn't like the fact that there was no head or any arms but now I think that actually brings out the detail in the body and wings even more. People back then really were amazing at what they did. The statue is on display in front of the church now. You should go have a look at it!
[IMG:06] 10. Goddess of victory who stands against the wind
The statue of a female body excavated on Samothrace turned out to be a statue of Nike whose wings had been shattered into pieces. The statue of Nike was put upon one of the ships of the people of Rhodes in a sea battle during the Selecus Dynasty. This could be the one they used. Apparently the statue is on display in front of the church. I should go check it out.
발견시 경험치 935, 카드 경험치 233
보고시 경험치 380, 명성 250, 의뢰 알선서 9 획득
- Discovery
Victory of Samothrace ★★★★★★★ (Work of art) Exp:1215 Fame:468
A beautiful winged statue put together with pieces of marble, discovered on the island of Samothrace. The arms and head have been lost, which enhances the beauty of the wings.

Wen zhi
can't seem to pull this quest with 50k+ adv fame. Used 1X sqmp, and abt 50 qmp with no luck. R15 art, 13 search, and greek language, and nothing. I'm guessing 60k fame required also.
Pulled with some qmps, 1 sqmp, 109k fame, r8+1 art, r10 search, no greek.
3rd easiest value 10 disco card

Xiao Wei
I just pulled but can no way get my art to 14 yet

Xiao Wei
I just pulled but can no way get my art to 14 yet

Ming Mei
I pulled this with title set to cultural contributor and not adventure graduate. Makes me wonder if it's best not to change titles sometimes?

yes clearly getting one less quest every time you talk to the mediator would be preferable since this one time you pulled a rare quest without it.

cultural contributor title works if youre trying to pull or do 2 quests at a time as the second quest you need cc. Using the title will consume less cc.
1stquest = no cc
2ndquest = 200cc / with title = 170+??? Not sure how much percentage but helps a lot. amout of cc for 2ndquest depends on what is the rank, higher rank means higer amout of cc
While the Adventure Graduate, mediator will shw more quests than normal one's. I believe it adds 1-2 more quests on the quests screen.
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