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The city below the waves
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Athens Adventurer's Guild
So the Cretan civilization was reallt destroyed in the eruption on Santorini? If the appearance of that destruction resembles the legend of Atlantis then perhaps... It seems like you'll have to investigate this.

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1.[ZONE:90005431] - Talk to Scholar (near church)
2.[ZONE:90005431] - Talk to Archeology student (near bank)
3.[ZONE:90005432] - Talk to Seafarer
4.[ZONE:90005431] - Talk to Scholar again x2 (near church)
[IMG:25]Currently here
[IMG:01] 1. The collapse of Crete
The reason to the collapse of Crete is said to be both due to fires and a tidal wave. If the volcano at the nearby island of Thira were to erupt, it would not be a farb stretch to say the cretan civilization could be destroyed in a single night just as Atlantis was. Maybe Plato's legend of atlantis was reffering to the story of this great volcano eruption?
[IMG:01] 2. Crete and Poseidon
Athens was ruled by the Cretan civilization, and legend has it they gave up a human sacrifice to the Minotaur of crete every year. They also say when the king of crete takes the throne he would recieve the power of poseidon. don't you think the relationship between crete, Poseidon and Athens matches up with the story of Atlantis?
[IMG:01] 3. The capitol of Thira
According to legend, there were also canals of concentric circles in the capitol of Thira as well as a temple decorated with orichalcum. apperntly, Knossos Palace is nothing compared to the grandeur of that temple. Maybe Poseidonis is the legendary city under the waves while Knossos was under its rule...?
[IMG:01] 4. Iron hammer of the gods
The cretans were constantly at war with foreign lands, including Athens. A great earthquake came even before they were completely destroyed but even so they did not learn and continued to sacrifice people from enemy nations to the Minotaur and act against public morals. The hammer of judgement brought down on the people of Crete was perhaps the volcano that erupted on Thira.
[IMG:01] 5. A paradise beneath the waves
An ideal land that boasted such great splendour still found itself beneath the waves after a single night of facing the wrath of the gods... All things are met with the fate of destruction and I suppose it was ideal because an ideal society does not exist in this world. Plato's legend of atlantis was probably written as a warning to people in this way...
[IMG:06] 6. The capitol and its glories are beneath the waves
The Cretan civilization is said to have been destroyed in a single night by a volcano eruption on the island of Thira. Plato's legend of Atlantis may have been written based on this volcanic eruption. according to the legend Thira's capitol was much more grandiose than Knossos and had canals of concentric circles and a temple decorated with orichalcum.