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Painting by a merchant
No Expiration
Venice Adventurer's Guild
You know Flanders? It's the region where Antwerp is located. Well, there's an art merchant that also creates his own work, but he won't put them up for sale because he says it's just a hobby. We'd like to get our hands on some of his work, so gather some information at Antwerp.



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Antwerp Talk to Craftsman
London Duckett Company House Talk to Duckett/Dockett
London Duckett Company House - Use
Observe and

Art trader who belongs to the artist's union
An art dealer who is a painter himself? That would be Jan Vermeer. He belongs to the painter's guild, but makes is living as an art dealer. I've never seen his work, but have heard he's very good. Ask someone who trades with him, like Mr. Duckett in London.

Painting given unwillingly
I do have a piece by Mr. Vermeer, a small one unfortunately. He showed it to me when were doing business, and I liked it very much. I had to ask him to let me have it quite a few times before he would give it up. He says he says he doesn't intend to sell his paintings, which is a shame, since he has quite an impressive talent...

It will be impossible to obtain
Vermeer's picture is on display inside the mansion of the great merchant Duckett of London. I should "Search" in his mansion. If a trading partner has difficulty purchasing it, then it would be impossible for a total stranger to acquire it. I should report these findings.
History of Oil Painting Techniques,
The Lacemaker
- Discovery
The Lacemaker ★★★★ (Work of art) Exp:624 Fame:245
A painting by Johannes Vermeer. A small painting at only 24cm in length, but the woman, ardently knitting her lace, is beautifully drawn. The precision used to draw the hands, while the rest of the painting is indistinct, gives it an air of tension.