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Painting of Saint's chronicle
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Naples Adventurer's Guild
You know what chronicles are, right? Basically an annual record of events. There are apparently paintings that are structured like chronicles, and the one we are looking for is one of six panels of Saint Etienne that depicts the city of Jerusalem. I would suggest talking to the Venice craftsman.



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Venice - Talk to craftsman
Venice Church - Use
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Carpaccio's chronicle
That must be a piece by Carpaccio. He's famous for his chronicle paintings. "The Sermon of St. Stephen" should be located in the church here.
It uses warm colours and bright patterns, and I guess it shows out admiration of the holy land.

Religious painting of Saint etienne
Of the works by Carpaccio depicting St. Steven, the one where St. Steven is giving a sermon in Jerusalem is located at the church in Venice.
It is behind and to the right of the center bookstand.
Quest Mediation Permit
St. Etienne in Jerusalem
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St. Etienne in Jerusalem ★ (Work of art) Exp:75 Fame:23
Painted by Vittore Carpaccio. Full title is La Predication de saint Etienne a Jerusalem. One of six works chronicling the life of Saint Etiene. The scene is Jerusalem with exotic vivid clothes and characterised by beautiful stone buildings.