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            Festival for Zeus
            No Expiration
            Tunis Adventurer's Guild
            You know that Zeus is the most powerful god in the Greek pantheon, right? Well, they say in ancient times, massive festivals were held in his honour. Try to find out more about these festivals, and where they were actually held. Perhaps people in Athens would have some information.
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                      [IMG19,Quest guide]
                      1. Athens Tavern - Barkeep: Order
                      2. Athens Archives - Scholar: Talk to
                      3. Athens Archives - Scholar: Browse books Archaeology
                      4. Olympia (Olymia) - Use Observe Recognition in the first ruins near diagonal boulder.

                      Scenery of ancient Greece 1 2 1 Description of Greece
                      Divine statue holding a child 1 2 1 Hermes of Olympia
                      Statue of the god of war 1 2 1 The Statue of Ares
                      Statue of the moon goddess 1 2 1 The Statue of Artemis

                      Greek Gods Statue Map 그리스 신상의 지도 ★1 The Statue of Hermes
                      Greek Goddess Map 그리스 여신상의 지도 ★1 The Statue of Athena
                      Greek Goddess Map 그리스 여신상의 지도 ★1 The Statue of Hestia
                      Caryatides Map 소녀상 기둥의 지도 ★2 The Erechtheion Statues of Girls

                      [IMG16,Obtained info]
                      1. Greece is full of temples
                      You are looking for the god Zeus? You might not know this, but Greece is full of gods. They're everywhere.
                      If you want to learn about that age-old festival, you'll have to talk to the Scholar. Go ask the Scholar of this town.

                      2. Festival for Zeus
                      A ceremony dedicated to Zeus... that's probably the Olympic festival.
                      In ancient Greece, there was a festival called the Four Great Festivals. Festivals back then were mainly compettions. It is said that unclothed men competed in a variety of athletic events. Details should have been recorded in the library.

                      3. Olympia Grand Festival
                      For the god Zeus of Olympia, this great festival dedicated to Zeus was held once every four years. Dedications included short distance running and discus throwing. At the time the ceremony was deserving of its name, but as the numbers of people who called athletic competition their profession, it gradually died out.

                      4. Competition for the Gods
                      I hear that in ancient Greece times, a festival was held in Olympia in honour of Zeus. The god Zeus and athletic field should still exist somewhere.
                      To go to Olympia, I think that you can leave through the Athens city gate and proceed inland from the west. If you see an interesting structure, use "Recognition".

                      Discovery Reward:
                      100 (50) Adventure Exp

                      Card Reward:
                      The Ruins at Olympia , 50 (25) Adventure Exp

                      Report Quest Reward:
                      Quest Mediation Permit , 40 (20) Adventure Exp, 40 (20) Adventure Fame

                        • Discovery
                        • The Ruins at Olympia 2 ★ (Historic site) Exp:100 Fame:15
                          There are many remains of ancient Greek temples and stadia. Because the Olympic Games were held here, there are various building for different athletic events.

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