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      Abu Simbel's wall paintings
      No Expiration
      Tunis Adventurer's Guild
      This is a request from a scholar in the town... They would like you to reinvestigate the Abu Simbel Temple. Actually the scholar was asked by a wealthy family in town, but he's not capable of it. Well, scholars are busy loot. And you're always receiving favors from them anyway. Please take care of it.
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              [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005369] - Scholar 2.[ZONE:90005455] - Scholar 3.[ZONE:90005369] - Scholar Pre-Q needed [IMG:31][QUEST:99994359] [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21] Abu Simbel's wall paintings [IMG:22][QUEST:99994372] [IMG:23][QUEST:99994460] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. Abu Simbel's wall paitings I have a problem.. In Abu Simbel Temple there is a painting of a battle. Find out what the battle is, I've been told. But there are lots of battles in Egypt. I'm sorry, but can you check with the scholars in Alexandria? It would be good if they knew something.. [IMG:01] 2. Pharaoh's battle If its about paintings of battles, it could be the painting in the colonnaded room of a Pharaoh on a chariot drawing a large bow. That temple is one built by Ramses 2, so the Pharaoh is Ramses 2 I think. Will this information help the Tunisian Scholar? [IMG:06] 3. Battle records of Ramses 2 The painting in Abu Simbel depicted Ramses 2 in battle. I'll tell the Scholar in Tunisia [IMG:06] 4. Battle records of Ramses 2 I would expect nothing less from a scholar of Alexandria! With this our investigation has progressed, albeit only a little... Of course, this is only the beginning. I hope you'll agree to help us again in the future. [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:90005369]

                • Location
                • Tunis

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