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          Canonical myths
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          Genoa Adventurer's Guild
          You always hear about oracles in Greek mythology. Even Socrates was said to have consulted the Oracle at Delphi, which brings us to this job: finding Delphi. Gather some information in Athens.
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                      [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005409] - Adventurer: Near the door road to Northwest Athens. Talk to 2.[ZONE:90005409] - Philosophy Student: Near the entrance to the Tavern. Talk to 3.[ZONE:90005429] - Scholar: Talk to 4.[ZONE:90005429] - Scholar: Browse Books [DBLINK:30000025] Required [DBLINK:30000160] 5.[ZONE:90002010] - Use [SKILL:30000035][SKILL:30000016] in the middle of the ruins Unlock [IMG:31][QUEST:99994280] [IMG:31][QUEST:99994282] [DBLINK:01900024] [DBLINK:01900099] [DBLINK:01900105] [DBLINK:01900104] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. The temple of Apollo In ancient Greece, people always tried to divine the intentions of the gods. The words that were said by priestesses of gods were made into poems. The famous Delphi was site of Apollo's temple. Who knows where that is now... There might be someone else in this town who knows something. [IMG:01] 2. The words and deeds of Socrates Socrates is said to have been the greatest scholar in ancient Greece, but he wrote no works by his own hand. His words and actions are known through the records of his pupils Plato and Xenophon. If you are investigating myths about Delphi, why not ask the town Scholar if you can see his books?. [IMG:01] 3. The Oracle received by Socrates It is a well-known story that Socrates received a message from the gods at Delphi, but he did not ask for that message himself. Chaerephon, his enthusiastic follower, went to the temple of Apollo. This is portrayed in Plato's work, "the Apology." I have it in my archaeology library. [IMG:02] 4. The Apology of Socrates My friend from long ago, Chaerephon, went to Delphi and asked the gods whether there are any who possess greater wisdom than Socrates. The priestess said "No." Of people of Athens, when I heard this message, I thought what did the gods mean to say. This is because I know that I am not wise. [IMG:06] 5. The temple on the outskirts of Athens Socrates and his pupils were apparently active in Athenai, known as Athens today. The Apollo temple where the message was received is probably near to Athens. Proceed inland from the northwest of the outskirts of Athens to investigate. Use "Recognition" if you see an interesting structure. Discovery Reward: 100 (50) Adventure Exp: Card Reward: [DBLINK:70000021] , 50 (25) Adventure Exp Report Quest Reward [DBLINK:01500232] , 40 (20) Adventure Exp, 40 (20)Adventure Fame

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                        • The Ruins at Delphi ★ (Religious architecture) Exp:100 Fame:15
                          This location was thought to be the centre of the world in ancient Greece. It housed the Temple of Apollo, whose prophecies were thought to be unfailing. Socrates also sought prophecies here.

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