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Master of the 7 wonders of the world
No Expiration
Athens Adventurer's Guild
Have you heard of the Seven Wonders of the World? One of them is the Pyramids, the largest of which is attributed to the pharaoh Khufu. The pyramid of such a powerful figure is probably filled with riches! Ask the scholar in Alexandria about it.



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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Alexandria Archives - Scholar: Talk To
Alexandria Archives - Scholar: Browse Books
Archaeology 3.
Central Nile (Central Nile Landing) - Use
Observe Search near Table Boulder in the middle of land.
[IMG16,Obtained info]

1. Treasure of the king
There are many out there who believe the pyramids to be the tombs of the kings. I would prefer to think that they are shrines for kings who have been deified. If you are after the king's treasures, you should search their graves and look for burial accessories. My archives in my library contains lots of information on the tombs of kings and queens.

2. Valley of the kings
The graves of famous kings of Egypt were all made discreetly mid-stream down the Nile. The entrances were hidden and they only appeared as vallies. Only the truly devoted and educated will be able to find their fortunes. However, I'm sure there are many deadly traps that have been set.

3. Hidden grave
It's believed that the graves of Egypt's kings are located mid-stream of the Nile river. It could be Kufu's grave. Let's base our search east to the table rock. We will need the "Unlock" skill to deal with any traps we encounter.
The Sceptre of King Khufu
Found Discovery:
300 (150) Adventure Exp
Card Discovery:
150 (75) Adventure Exp.
Report Quest:
110 (55)Adventure Exp, 120 (60) Adventure Fame,
Quest Mediation Permit
- Discovery
The Sceptre of King Khufu ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:300 Fame:135
A magnificent sceptre, made with lavish amounts of gold and lapis lazuli. King Khufu was the pharaoh who built Egypt's largest pyramid at Giza.