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The harp that allures
No Expiration
Tunis Adventurer's Guild
세이렌이라고 알고 있지? 바다의 요물, 노랫소리로 뱃사람을 현혹시키는 것 말일세. 자네도 몇 번이나 위험한 고비를 넘기지 않았나? 이번 의뢰는 그 세이렌이라고 불리는 하프를 조사하는 것일세. 소유자가 아테네에 있다고 하니 조사해주게.



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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Athens Tavern - 뮬리네와 대화
Naples Gesualdo Estate - 악사 제즈아르도와 대화
Naples Church - 책장 오른쪽 부근에서
Observe Search [IMG16,Obtained info]

1. 선물
그것이라면 제가 갖고 있어요. 어머, 의외인가요? 예전에 갑자기 찾아온 부자가 그냥 주던걸요. 정말 세이렌의 물건인지는 모르겠지만요. 굉장히 호화스럽고, 무엇보다 소리가 아름다워요! 하지만 지금은 여기에 없어요. 나폴리의 제즈아르도 씨에게 빌려 줬거든요.

2. 나쁜 일이 계속되어
그 수금이라면 지금 내 손에 없다네. 그 수금을 빌려서 연주를 한 후, 왠지 나쁜 일이 계속 일어나서 말이야…… 무서워져서 한동안 교회에 맡겨 두었지. 나의 연주법이 마음에 들지 않은 것일까. 역시 뭔가 마법의 힘이 있는 것일지도 몰라.

3. 이상한 수금
세이렌의 물건이라는 수금은 현재 나폴리의 교회에 안치되었다고 한다. 정말 뭔가 불가사의한 힘이 있는 것일까? 교회의 책장 오른쪽 안쪽을 조사해 보자.
Quest Mediation Permit
The Siren's Harp
발견시 경험치 580, 카드 경험치 145
보고시 경험치 170, 명성 180, 의뢰 알선서 8 획득
- Discovery
The Siren's Harp ★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:696 Fame:285
A harp, said to be that of a siren, one of the monsters who lured sailors to their deaths with irresistible music. Decorated with gold and jewels, it is uncertain if it truly belonged to a Siren or not.

in Athens, talk to Muline (Tavern)
in Naples, talk to Gesualdo the Musician (Gesualdo Estate)
in Naples, use Observe and Search in the far right corner (Church)
Report quest

cornelia while the info you are giving is entirely correct, if you would read the page you are posting on, you will see that information already given, almost word for word, except for the "report quest" which I wasn't aware anybody needed to be told. Although there is probably that one guy "man i don't know what to do, i took two quests, completed them, and now the game won't let me take anymore, time to make a new character!"

Is there a prequest for this to show up?

If you're trying to get this quest in Marseille it will not show up cause the info above is wrong, the only place you can get this is in Naples, Tunis, Venice and Genoa. Did this a few weeks back, spent around 50qmps and 1sqmp in Marseille with no luck. Went to Naples spent 2qmps and it showed up. :)

Unlock 6 does not work, unlike many other Quests you really need unlock 7

for quests you need the rank that it shows, for maps you can get away with 2 less. If you look this particular quest requires r9 appraisal but only r7 search and unlock. The whole "2 less" thing is built-in on quests.
for unlock and appraisal(or any other appraisal discovery skill)...you need EXACT or more(with boost also work)...for search(recognition and ecological research), you can get away with 2 rank less...but it do take a lot of retry to make find the thing...YES, this apply to QUEST & MAP...I try it..
note: you can get away with 2 rank less for
Unlock skill only with MAP...not quest(as it need EXACT or more and boost does work)...

Thanks for your info
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