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      Da Vinci's first great work
      No Expiration
      Marseille Adventurer's Guild
      You know Leonardo Da Vinci, right? Well, an astrocrat has requested an investigation into his earlier works. Apparently there's an early work that he focused a lot of effort on. You can start by talking to the town Craftman.
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                      1. Marseilles - Craftsman
                      2. Marseille Archives - Scholar
                      3. Marseilles Da Vinci Estate - Da Vinci
                      4. Ancona - City Official
                      5. Ancona Tavern - Barkeeper
                      6. Ancona Tavern - left side of tavern door Observe Search

                      Da Vinci's first great work 2 4 1 Adoration of the Magi
                      A collapsing masterpiece 2 4 1 The Last Supper

                      [IMG16,Obtained info]
                      1. Great work of Firenze
                      Mr. Da Vinci's early works? I've heard he worked on something huge in Florence, but I don't know much more than that. The scholars in this town are on good terms with Mr. Da Vinci, they might know more.

                      2. The unfinished painting
                      Mr. Da Vinci was asked to create an altarpiece somewhere in Florence,and worked very ambitiously to create many drafts. Apparently, though, he never even completed a sketch. For more details, you should talk to Mr. Da Vinci directly.

                      3. Taking the bible as material
                      Yes, back when I was still in Florence, I was working on a piece based on the journey of the Biblical Magi. Unfortunately, I was unable to take it with me when I moved, and forgot all about it. I left the painting with a friend from back then. The officials at the city of Ancona should know.

                      4. A painting in a tavern
                      That person no longer lives in this city. However, he left the painting you're looking for at the local tavern. So that piece was done by Da Vinci? I always thought there was something special about that piece. It dosen't deserve to be in such a rough environment. I would hold it for safekeeping, if I had the chance.

                      5. Unknown cost
                      The painting? Aye, the one by the front door, that's the one. Doesn't seem like much to me, being not finished and all, but I guess I'm not the one to know much about art! Hahaha. I suppose I'll go ahead and hand it over to the town official.

                      6. Da Vinci's first great work
                      I've been told Da Vinci worked on something based on the Bible, back when he was in Florence. As usual, it's incomplete, but apparently it's an ambitious early work of his. Check near the entrance of the tavern.

                      Laws of Perspective

                      Adoration of the Magi


                      발견시 경험치 220, 카드 경험치 55
                      보고시 경험치 100, 명성 100, 원근법의 기초 획득

                        • Discovery
                        • Adoration of the Magi ★★ (Work of art) Exp:220 Fame:95
                          An uncompleted painting by Leonard Da Vinci. Thought to be his first large project, but left unfinished as he moved to another country while painting. The subject of the painting is the three wise men visiting the new born Jesus to offer their worship and service.

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