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      Nude art with a mythical theme
      No Expiration
      Seville Adventurer's Guild
      Most early paintings had religious motifs, but lately it seems there's a wide variety of subject matter being used. Ancient mythology, for example, has become quite popular. Apparently there's a fine work in France by a unknown painter. Try to find information on it at Nantes tavern.
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                [IMG:19] 1.[ZONE:90005248] - Merchant: Talk to 2.[ZONE:90005247][ZONE:90005250] - Princess Marguerite: Talk to 3.[ZONE:90005245] - Use [DBLINK:30000035][DBLINK:30000020] left wall near the exit door. [IMG:16] [IMG:01] 1. King and nobles are the protectors of art Kings and wealthy nobles like to invite their favourite artists to create pieces to their likings. You can see how this would help artists as well. The King of France has many artists working for him too. Oh, you should visit Princess Marguerite, she has a masion in this town. [IMG:01] 2. The model for a goddess Hmm, let me see... yes, I remember, there was a painting of Diana. Diana and a hound. I don't remember who the autor is. It should be at the church in Bordeaux. ...The person modelled in the picture is an old acquaintance of my father's. [IMG:06] 3. Goddess for hunting in Roman Myth I heard there's a painting of the Roman goddess Diana in the church of Bordeaux. The author is unknown, but i heard it's a beautiful piece. It's located near the back row, to the left. [DBLINK:90005245] Discovery Reward: 160 (80) Adventure Exp Card Reward: [DBLINK:70000271] , 80 (40) Adventure Exp Report Quest Reward: 5x[DBLINK:01500107] , 80 (40) Adventure Exp, 80 (40) Adventure Fame

                  • Discovery
                  • Diane Chasseresse ★ (Work of art) Exp:160 Fame:65
                    Painting by an unknown artist. Depicts Diana from Roman mythology departing on a hunt with her dog. Noted for the soft, natural beauty of nudity. The model was said to have been a favored concubine of the King of France.

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