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            Lizard that runs on water
            No Expiration
            Naples Adventurer's Guild
            How amazing would it be if something could run across water? You'd think something like that would be impossible, but apparently there's a lizard in the Caribbean that can do this. It certainly sounds made up, but I'd like for someone with knowledge about animals to investigate it. Why not ask around at a tavern in San Juan?
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                            1. San Juan - speak with Customer
                            2. San Juan - speak with Girl
                            3. West Santo Domingo - Use Observe , Ecological Research near Swamp

                            1. It really was running!
                            No one will believe it, but it's the honest truth. This incredibly long-tailed lizard just scurried himself across the river. No shallow thing, neither. "Patapata", just like that. If only someone else had seen it. You, make thorough enquires of everyone in town.

                            2. I've seen that
                            Lizard that scurries over water? I know it. Seen it when we all went for some laughs to Santo Domingo. Quite a big one it was. Hiding, I caught a glimpse: "patapata"...right across he went. Before one foot sank, out went the other, isn't that it?

                            3. A secret in the legs
                            Heard there is this water-crossing lizard on the outskirts of Santo Domingo. Some secret in the feet I suppose. Check the area of the west marsh.

                            Book of Flora and Faune


                            발견시 경험치 600, 카드 경험치 150
                            보고시 경험치 200, 명성 110, 동식물도감 획득

                              • Discovery
                              • Basilisk ★★★★ (Small creature) Exp:720 Fame:300
                                A lizard of about 70cm in length. Its tail accounts for over half of its length, and its well developed hind legs allow it to run on two feet. Its toes, especially the middle toe, are very long, and it can run on the surface of the water.

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