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A collapsing masterpiece
No Expiration
Athens Adventurer's Guild
You know Signor Da Vinci, right? Well, he apparently painted the walls of a certain Italian cathedral, but the walls are becoming damaged with age, and need to be repaired. Antwerp would be the place to ask for this kind of thing, but go talk to Da Vinci himself in Marseilles first.



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Marseilles Da Vinci Estate - Da Vinci: Talk to
Marseilles Church (West Church) - Priest: Talk to
Marseilles Da Vinci Estate - Da Vinci: Talk to
Antwerp - Craftsman: Talk to
Marseilles Da Vinci Estate - Da Vinci: Talk to
Genoa Church - Use
Search at the left side of church, between 3rd and 4th pillar from entrance
Da Vinci's first great work 


Adoration of the Magi 
Current Quest
[IMG16,Obtained info]

1. It was an art style that ended an age, but...
You must be the collaborator. Hmph, seems you think you know a bit about art.
The painting in question is a fresco. Normally, one must paint a fresco before the plaster dries, but I have come up with a new method to solve this. ...Oh, we're out of time. You, deliver this letter to the priest.

2. Man blessed with too many abilities
A letter from Mr. Da Vinci? Thank you. ...Such an expensive quote for such a small painting. What was the Lord thinking when He gave the man such talent? However, it is without doubt that he is a man with unmatched talent. Please tell him that we accept.

3. Revival of the Fresco style
I see. Good work. By the way, about the painting, I tried painting on the plaster with something resembling a Tempera paint.
However, as time went by, it started to peel off. I think the only way I can fix this is to use oil paint. You, go to Flanders and ask the Craftman there.

4. Oil does not take well to whitewash
Oil paint is my specialty, sure. But Frescos are usually done with water-based colours. If it's originally drawn with oil paint, oil paint would be the only way to fix it, but no matter what you do it's only going to sit on top of the plaster, so it would peel off again. Ask him if that's what he wants.

5. Painting that accompanies own life
Hmm, that's too bad. Frescos achieve stability through making the paint bind to the plaster, so I suppose oil paint is not an option. I don't believe anyone other than myself would be able to repair the painting, so I suppose that painting is destined to fall apart when my time on this earth is over.

6. Crumbling wall painting of fate
The church mural by Da Vinci will peel off unless repaired periodically. Perhaps nothing can be done for it, but I should take a look anyway. They say it is located in the church at Genoa. I should be able to find it if I examine the large wall at the church.
Discovery Reward:
260 Adventure Exp
Card Reward:
The Last Supper , 130 Adventure Exp
Report Quest Reward:
Laws of Perspective , 100 (50) Adventure Exp, 100 (50) Adventure Fame
- Discovery
The Last Supper ★★ (Work of art) Exp:260 Fame:115
A work by Leonardo da Vinci. Because of the perspective used to draw the inside of the building, it appears to have great depth. Compared to the disciples, Jesus is painted simply, perhaps because he was serene, or perhaps because the work was unfinished.