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      Sword of light from Las Palmas
      No Expiration
      Seville Adventurer's Guild
      Spain stole the Sword of Light that was in Las Palmas? I've never heard that before... How about going to the library, first? It hasn't been all that long since Las Palmas was taken over, and there may be some hints remaining.
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              [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005011] - Browse [DBLINK:30000025] 2.[ZONE:90005011] - Talk to Scholar 3.[ZONE:90005036][ZONE:90005044] - Talk to Steward 4.[ZONE:90005070][ZONE:90005080] - Talk to President Shylock 5.[ZONE:90005461][ZONE:90005467] - Talk to Rossana [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21][QUEST:99993466] [IMG:22][QUEST:99993475] [IMG:23][QUEST:99994114] [IMG:24][QUEST:99994370] [IMG:25] Currently here. [IMG:26][QUEST:99994109] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:02] The discovery in Las Palmas When we landed on the Canary Islands, the inhabitants there were using stone tools and living a primitive existence. But there are also something very surprising. A beautiful, very well-made sword had come to be the treasure of these people. Named the "Sword of Light", it was clearly brought there from somewhere else. We need to take it home and have it examined. [IMG:01] The sold sword Unfortunately, whoever wrote this book had money worries, so they sold the Sword of Light to a company in Lisbon. People knew of the existence of the Canary Islands since the days of Ancient Rome. It's not unreasonable to think that someone must have visited them before our country landed there. [IMG:01] The sword goes to Venice The Sword of Light from Las Palmas? Yes, I believe there is a record showing our company bought something like that many years ago. Although I think our president sold it to someone in Venice. [IMG:01] A gift for the sultan The Las Palmas Sword of Light? I did whatever I could so that they would sell it to me. But some Merchants from Istanbul desired it, and I had to part with it. I really wanted to keep it, but I was worried that would interfere with business. They said they were going to present it to the sultan's mistress. [IMG:01] The sword goes to Hormuz I did receive that sword, but it didn't really suit me. An Arabian Merchant who brings me such wonderful things from Hormuz showed an interest in it, so I gave it to them as a sign of friendship. If you're looking for it, you might want to go Hormuz then. [IMG:06] The sword of light from Las Palmas The possibility has arisen that Claimh Solais, the treasure of the people of Danann, is the Sword of Light that came to Las Palmas. The Sword of Light passed through many hands before, apparently, coming to a Hormuz Merchant. [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:90005467]

                  3 QMP as reward

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