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      Miraculous Lizard
      No Expiration
      Seville Adventurer's Guild
      This is a job that only a seasoned veteran like you can handle. A local scholar wants information on a rare type of lizard that can only be found in the Caribbean, way west of here. Talk to him directly for details.
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                  1. Seville Seville Archives - Talk to Scholar
                  2. Seville Seville Tavern - Talk to Seafarer
                  3. Seville Seville Tavern - Talk to Barkeep
                  4. Seville - Talk to Port Official
                  5. Santo Domingo - Talk to Barkeep
                  6. Santo Domingo - Talk to Customer
                  7. Santo Domingo - Talk to City Official
                  8. Jamaica - Talk to Girl

                  9. South America North Coast Plateau - Use Observe and Ecological Research near the Upturned Boulder in the east.

                  As a Scholar
                  A sailor on a ship returning from the Caribbean the other day talked at the bar about a rumour. Something about a lizard that can perform a miracle... As a scientist, I can't leave such a rumour uninvestigated! Could you please gather information about this lizard from the pubs in this town?

                  A rumour is a rumour
                  A lizard that can perform a miracle? Ha ha ha, you want to know about what that sailor said, don't you... He boasted of it, but it doesn't mean that he actually saw it. He heard about it from a native. It's probably some famous fairy tale from the Caribbean or something like that. In the end, rumours are just rumours. Hey, master

                  Something from an inquiring mind
                  Unless you are really curious, you'd do best to not believe such hearsay... But if you the curious and inquiring type, your world just got bigger. You are one of the people of this world, so I don't see anything wrong with believing. You should talk to the Port Official and go to the Caribbean.

                  Eye of a voyager
                  You are going to the Caribbean to study wildlife? I've seen thousands of sailors like you, but I am still amazed at the dedication of travelers who have made such a commitment. I hope that you safely arrive in the Caribbean, in the western sea region, far, far from here.

                  Each lizard has its merits
                  Do I know anything about a lizard that performs a miracle? I've heard of it, but to us, it's just a lizard. Let me tell you something... Seems everyone who comes in here doesn't know.

                  What is a miracle?
                  If you want to know about that lizard, ask the town official. He is quite the knowledgeable fellow and knows just about everything about these parts. I've also heard about that lizard. What was the miracle again...

                  Run on the water!
                  The lizard's miracle is running on water. It usually lives in the treetops, but when threatened by other animals it runs on water to escape danger. I heard this from an old man from Jamaica... I wonder what he is up to these days. You should go and ask him.

                  Grandfather's memories
                  Mother said that grandfather went someplace far away. But if you want to know about that lizard, maybe I can help. Grandfather told me interesting stories many times. I remember that he said that i lives on the land far to the south of here. I'm going to go see it when I get big!

                  A lizard which runs on water
                  The lizard that performs a miracle in the Caribbean is a lizard that can run on water. It lives in the land area southeast of the Jamaica town. I'll try to catch one and report on it.

                    • Discovery
                    • Double Crested Basilisk ★★★★★★ (Small creature) Exp:1033 Fame:395
                      It lives in trees lining rivers, and when it feels under threat, it dives into the water to escape. It can sometimes be seen running across the surface of the water with its hind legs. The male has crests on its head, back, and tail.

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