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Cosmetics of Cleopatra
No Expiration
Seville Adventurer's Guild
There is pretty much a consensus that Cleopatra VII was the most beautiful woman in the world, right? Well, we'd like you to find out what kind of cosmetics she used. Some kind of solid evidence would be nice. It's kind of a hard request, but try your luck in Alexandria.



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1.[ZONE:90005455] - Speak with the Scholar
2.[ZONE:90005455] - Browse [SKILL:30000025] pages, [SKILL:30000164] needed
3.[ZONE:90005452] - Use [SKILL:30000035] and [SKILL:30000020]
[IMG:01] 1. Makeup with a practical use
Cosmetics in ancient Egypt had very practical means. You can see people with blue lines painted below their eyes in old murals. Made from elements like antimony and malachite, those lines actually served to shield the eyes from sunlight, disease and from pests. Take a look at my notes on archaeology for more details.
[IMG:02] 2. Makeup of ancient Egypt
There were many technological cosmetic innovations during ancient Egypt. The cosmetics served very practical purposes. The scented ointments have proven medical results as well. Cleopatra VII was known to use these cosmetics often. She also used perfumed oils regularly.
[IMG:06] 3. Makeup of Cleopatra
Cleopatra used a lot of cosmetics. Since Alexandria was the capitol back then, there should be many relics in the shrines in the area. Although they are now mosques, it should be worth looking into. We should start our search inside from the left side.
- Discovery
Cleopatra's Perfume Bottle ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:300 Fame:135
Perfume bottle used by Cleopatra VII, said to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Various fragrant oils and extracts were used in ancient Egypt.
Your need Ancient Egyptian language to browse at the archives; Arabic will not work. Luckily, the interpreter at Alexandria sells the correct translation notes needed to get past that part.