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      A mysterious ancient people
      No Expiration
      Lisbon Adventurer's Guild
      You've heard stories about the Hittites, who had a powerful kingdom during the days of ancient Egypt? Weren't they destroyed suddenly by some mysterious tribe that appeared out of the sea?
      For this next job, I'd like you to investigate about the ancient people that came from the water. You should consult with a Scholar in Athens.
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                    A mysterious ancient people 3 5 1 Sword of the Sea People
                    Weapons of ancient peoples 3 5 3 Sea People's Armour

                    1. Athens Archives - Talk to Scholar
                    2. Athens Archives - Read Archaeology book (requires Greek or use of a East European Translation Note)
                    3. Turkey West Coast - Use Observe and Search near Giant Dead Tree in northeast

                    1. The people who crossed the sea
                    The Hittites are said to have flourished mainly in the eastern part of the Anatolian Peninsular. The people who crossed the sea came from the Balkan peninsular. At that time, only the Hittites possessed ironware and fast chariots and their defeat is a mystery.
                    How about looking through my library?

                    2. People of the sea
                    The Sea Peoples, who defeated the Hittites and emigrated from the Balkan Peninsula, are thought to be comprised of a number of races. It difficult for bronze ware to overcome ironware. Perhaps they took ironware from the Hittites for themselves.

                    3. Relics of the sea people
                    pls fill this info

                    Discovery Reward :
                    Sword of the Sea People 310 Adventure exp

                    Card Reward :
                    Sword of the Sea People 155 Adventure exp

                    Quest Reporting Reward :
                    Quest Mediation Permit , 140 Adventure exp , 75 Adventure fame

                      • Discovery
                      • Sword of the Sea People ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:310 Fame:140
                        Iron sword believed to have belonged to the Sea People, the mysterious culture that destroyed the Hittite Kingdom. Perhaps they stole iron smelting technology from the Hittites.

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